Save the Date.
Our next Gathering is September 15-17, 2025 in Black Mountain, North Carolina!
We will be meeting in the days leading up to the New Wineskins Missionary Conference, and you will have the option to register for one or both events if you would like to attend.
More details coming soon!
The Gathering is an event unlike any other, designed to support those on the front lines of care and service. More than just a conference, it’s a soul-care retreat that offers time for reflection, learning, and prayer. We combine deep, meaningful conversations with workshops and worship, all intended to replenish the spirits of those who give so much of themselves.
The Matthew 25 Gathering is a hybrid of retreat and conference for Anglicans who care about Justice and Mercy.
This specialized time of soul-care and network-building will equip you in doing the work of loving vulnerable populations in your midst.
The Gathering happens every other year and is an event for practitioners and parishioners from across North America. It is a time to pray, worship, and connect with other outreach ministers, who understand the passions and difficulties of working among the vulnerable.
What happens at The Gathering?
Every element of The Gathering is geared towards celebrating and cultivating the important work of those who serve on the edges of society. This is an opportunity to gather with about 150 other people to learn, worship, pray, celebrate, and lament together. Each year we gather in a different geographical location where shalom-contending work is underway by M25i practitioners.
Here are some things you can expect at The Gathering:
Subject matter experts offering biblical and socio-historic content on what it looks like to serve the vulnerable
In-depth breakout sessions
Discussions around difficult but critical topics facing the Anglican Church

Previous Gatherings
2023 Gathering, Baltimore, MD
2022 Gathering, El Paso, Texas
2020 Gathering, Virtual/Online
2019 Gathering, Washington DC