Practitioner Care
Who is a Practitioner?
Do you come alongside the marginalized and the hurting; those who are suffering, and offer companionship and support? Do you seek mercy and justice for those who are “unseen,” those who are oppressed, those who have little voice in society? Do you have a heart for “the least of these?”
If so, YOU are a practitioner.
It’s not about whether you are “paid” to love your neighbors or not. It doesn’t matter if you do it part-time, full-time or anytime. It’s about whether you extend love and mercy to those who are hurting around you.
The Matthew 25 Initiative exists to equip & support you.
M25i Practitioners are people who companion the vulnerable and marginalized in their daily work.
Ministry Networking Groups are led by seasoned ministry leaders who provide a space where those in similar ministries can talk shop, swap ideas, and pray for each other. This can be lonely work, and finding other Anglicans with the same heart helps us continue in faithfulness to Christ and his church.
If you’re doing this work part-time or full-time, as a volunteer or in a paid position, for a large or small organization, then our Ministry Networking Groups seek to offer you a candid and hopeful presence.
Ministry Networking Groups
Soul Care
M25i creates space for rest and refreshment because we know that the work we do must be nourished by prayer and silence. In order to grow as contemplative activists, the degree of our output in justice and mercy work must be matched by the same degree of soul care. We cannot love the severely broken places of our world when we are empty.
We find that when practitioners are together, there is something unique and powerful about joining with peers who face similar trials and challenges, laments, and joys.
Soul Care Retreat
We create space and hold time to stop, pray, be, listen to our souls, and hear from God. We'll also welcome seasoned spiritual directors to guide us and offer resources for tending our own souls as we witness and contend with suffering.
Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates about future retreats.
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction, or spiritual companionship, is a relationship between two people: the director companions someone who is seeking rest in God and cultivating a thirst for God.
Participants in spiritual direction co-create a space in which the directee can better listen to the Holy Spirit, who is the true Director, constantly working to sustain and uphold us. Below are resources to connect with a spiritual director.
Prayer is at the core of M25i. We have an active prayer team that regularly intercedes for our practitioners and their ministries. Submit a prayer request at any time and our prayer team will intercede for you.

Saints of old and present have labored on behalf of justice and mercy for lifetimes before us. Their written prayers offer us more than just well-written words on a page. They invite us further into the heart of the church, focusing us on Christ’s mission of coming to heal the sick and connecting us into the history of the church.
To this end, we have collected prayers on the topic of justice and mercy for your use in both private and parish life.
Resources for Prayer

Poetry: For the Soul
Holding a space for poetry makes way for prophetic imagination, or a way of thinking about what needs mending. When we pay careful attention to a poem in a community, we learn to pay closer attention together and to one another.
Join us as we allow poetry to help shape us, giving us space to deal with our grief, hold back cynicism, and hold onto tenderness. In the space of words carefully chosen and edited down to only what you need, we train ourselves to see moments more clearly, and more fully.
Anglicans on the Streets
Anglicans On the Streets spotlights M25i practitioners and their ministry of compassion and mercy. We share stories of on-the-ground work and companionship because we need to be reminded of the stories of hope in the midst of despair. We seek to widen and fortify our imaginations with the beautiful and gritty work of the church across regions, cultures, and challenges.
Be encouraged by these stories of real brothers and sisters who are creatively ministering to people.