Prayers based on Matthew 25
O Lord, Glorious One, salvation of the world, deprive us not of the water to lift to your lips, who thirst, quietly suffering—You, Beautiful One.
O Lord, Gatherer of all nations, salvation of the world, deprive us not of the doors, the table, and the bed to invite you into, you who are homeless, you our stranger, you our refugee, you, invisible and hidden—You, Precious One.

For the Poor
Heavenly Father, in Your Son incarnate You showed us the poor, the meek, the refugee, the homeless and the despised. Through Your Son crucified, You show us love, grace, mercy and justice.

For Widows and Single Moms
Lord God, we come before You to offer our praise and thanksgiving. You have called us to be Your hands and feet, Your eyes and ears in this world. As You gave the good Samaritan a heart to care for the young man in need, we ask that You would give us a heart to care for those around us who are in need, especially those families living in at-risk and single-parent situations.

For Orphans & At-risk Children
Heavenly Father, Lord of heaven and earth, we give You thanks for those whom You have called to minister to the children growing up without one or more of their parents present.

For the Refugee and Immigrant
Heavenly Father, You call us to live justly and to love mercy. But we confess that we are prone to show justice and mercy to those who, we deem, are like us. The Good Samaritan showed compassion and mercy to the traveler, someone unlike himself. Help us, also, to broaden our understanding of who is our neighbor to include the refugee and the immigrant. Amen.