Ministry Effectiveness
Leadership Coaching

✺ Are you achieving the ministry impact you desire?

✺ Do you want to grow your leadership?

✺ Could your team be more effective?

✺ Do you feel like you keep hitting barriers in ministry?

✺ How can you recruit and sustain a volunteer pipeline?

We are excited to announce the launch of our Ministry Effectiveness Leadership Development & Coaching Cohort! It is a unique opportunity designed specifically for ministry practitioners and leaders.

As part of the Matthew 25 Initiative's commitment to equipping and supporting Anglicans serving alongside the vulnerable, we know the critical importance of strong leadership in driving the success and growth of work. We also know that many smaller ministries struggle to prioritize formal leadership development due to costs and accessibility. Our vision is to bridge this gap by offering partial scholarships to a select group of qualified leaders. 

Partnering with Ripple Effects, Leadership Coaching

  • More than 50 years of combined sr. and executive leadership experience at local and global nonprofits

  • Experience coaching Anglican rectors, leadership teams, and parishes

  • Certified GiANT worldwide 5 Voices for Teams coaches

  • MBA in leadership and management

  • We’re grateful the team from Ripple Effects will be facilitating this cohort at a very reduced rate

Apply to participate in this 12-month leadership coaching cohort
focused on
increasing ministry effectiveness

  • More Details (Flyer)

    Want to more details for what this cohort will look like and what you can expect? What are the learning objectives? How much does it cost? What will the schedule look like?
    Download the flyer!

  • Content Example

    The cohort begins with the 5 Voices, a tool to help increase our awareness of our natutel design and wiring and how that impacts our tendencies, triggers, and core contributions in leadership, family, and teams.

  • Meet the Facilitators

    Ripple Effects is a leadership coaching and organizational performance consulting group with extensive nonprofit experience globally and locally at all levels of leadership. They have a team of coaches and consultants to support us.


Leadership Development

Organizations rise and fall on leadership. When a leader gets better, everyone wins. We start with self-awareness and the idea of knowing ourselves to lead ourselves.

Team Development

People are the greatest asset of any endeavor, yet most teams operate at around 60% effectiveness. Healthy teams have strong communication, relationships, alignment, execution, and capacity.

Program Development

We want to achieve outcomes and impact our communities. Key to this is a strong program model with a clear theory of change that clarifies the problem to solve, ministry approach, and envisioned better tomorrow.

Marketing & Fundraising

Most ministries struggle to communicate clearly, consistently, and concisely to engage supporters and rally donors to the vision. We can help.

Operations & Back-Office

Few people start ministries to focus on the details and operations. Many get bogged down in or have ineffective and inefficient systems and tools that hamper the ministry work.

Execution & Monitoring

Though ministries are rarely short on vision, the discipline to execute and build tools to monitor progress is often lacking. We provide the tools needed to track growth.

Join the cohort!

We will select up to 10 applicants to join this leadership development and ministry effectiveness coaching cohort. Submit an application by August 15th!