Grant Stories: M25i Generating Mission

The Matthew 25 Initiative Seasonal Grant Program is a catalyst for small, Christ-centered ministries in North America.

The Grant offers the financial aid these new initiatives need in order to share the Gospel of God’s Grace and meet the real, human needs of the poor and vulnerable. Since the beginning of the Matthew 25 Initiative, we have raised and dispersed well over $2M to nearly 120 different efforts and ministries in North America.

We are a catalyst for new ministry

These Grants are made possible by YOUR support

The Latest Grant Award Recipient Stories

Legal Services

Loving Your Neighbors

Single Moms

Elderly & Dying

Food Insecurity

Our continued ability to fund these Christ-centered projects is based solely on your generous donations. This year we have committed partial funding to each of our winners, but need your help to provide the full funding required to achieve each of the project outcomes.

If you are donating for a specific project please also contact
so that we can ensure we designate the funds appropriately.

Note: All of our awards are matching-funds. Each organization must match our grant through their own fundraising efforts.

Approved Projects that Need Funding to Launch

Because our funds are limited, we are not currently able to commit financial resources to a number of projects that we have vetted and meet our criteria. With your donations, we can extend our impact by providing grants to these worthy projects!

Sanctity of Life

Meeting the Marginalized

Creation Care

Community Development

Refugee Care

Homeless Ministry

Special Matthew 25 Initiative Projects Seeking Funding

In addition to the projects from our partner ministries above, M25i has several internal projects we are seeking funding for. These projects are highly leveraged to achieve dramatic impact. Would you consider a special donation to help us see significant returns in terms of lives impacted?

Leadership Development & Mentoring

Ministry Toolkits

Living Isa58 Short Course