Brianna Lindsay
Brianna has a heart for people, beauty, and asking questions that lead toward a deeper understanding of God’s character and goodness. She grew up in Charlotte, NC in a family that is rooted in the love of Christ and passionate about His work in the world. From a young age, she has felt drawn toward ministry and to use her love of writing and creativity to those ends.
After completing a Professional Writing and Information Design degree from Cedarville University, she moved to Austin, TX to be closer to her now husband, Jonathan. They worship in the Anglican tradition at Christ Church, where they have loved being a part of a community that is both deeply rooted in liturgical tradition and active in the community, seeking to live out Christ’s kingdom here on earth. She a part of their congregation’s Faith + Arts community, where she has developed a fuller theology of art and beauty.
Brianna has several years of professional experience in the writing and marketing field, especially in social media, along with personal creative endeavors. She joined our team in the late summer of 2023 and is grateful to be continually formed in a rich and ancient Anglican understanding of justice and mercy.