White Papers
A Matthew 25 Initiative White Paper
A Biblical and Theological Reflection
PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD regularly experience the lack of what is universally considered one of the basic human needs: shelter or, simply, a home. This epidemic has been, by many, accepted as part of life. Many Christians in the church care — even deeply care — but are so overwhelmed by the lack of clear solutions that we’re more likely to throw up our hands in exasperation than roll up our sleeves to help.
For all the economic and social issues that homelessness raises, it also raises theological issues. A deeper understanding of the basic Scriptural and theological foundations of this problem should help our solutions. This is not to suggest that knowledge alone is sufficient — the gospel requires action. The simplest form of shalom-making is to meet basic human needs.
Download this white paper where our brief reflection is meant to offer a closer look at the Scriptural and theological foundations for ministering to those experiencing homelessness.