Not Home. Come Home.
2025 Lenten Reflections
Illustration by Eunice Sunmie Derksen
Throughout Lent, we will highlight Anglicans across North America who are doing the work of bringing HOME to those who need it most. At the Matthew 25 Initiative, we regularly tell the stories of these practitioners through a video series called "Anglicans on the Streets." If you would like to learn more about this series and how Anglicans are serving as Jesus' hands and feet among the vulnerable, you can watch these videos here.
Meet Scott Murphy
Scott Murphy works full time with a high-tech company and spends much of his free time caring for men in prison. Alongside many ecumenical volunteers across central Texas, Scott serves those who are incarcerated at a men’s prison through Kairos Prison Ministry International. Kairos is an effective, highly structured program that brings the love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to offenders who are largely forgotten by society and, most painfully, their families and friends. Through the program, incarcerated individuals learn they are not alone, and that following Jesus can bring peace in an otherwise challenging prison environment.
Other parishioners at Scott's church have joined in the effort of serving these inmates by baking dozens of homemade cookies, raising financial support, and praying for them by name. Even children get involved by drawing personalized placemats!
What Does "Home" Mean When it's a Shattered Reality?
Offenders in the prison where Scott serves with Kairos have sentences ranging from 10 years to life. In most cases, these offenders recognize prison is likely their home for most, if not all, of their lives. Some get personal visits or phone calls from family, but even those wane over time. Inmates can feel forgotten as the "outside world" of their friends and family gets taken over by interests that seem like higher priorities.
Kairos becomes a new way of life for these offenders, recognizing that God is always with them. Jesus becomes their friend through community with others within the prison. This community, rather than the prison itself, becomes their “home.”
The Hardest Aspects of Prison Ministry
Scott finds that the hardest part of this ministry is when individuals experience Kairos and either reject it outright (which is, thankfully infrequent!), or lack the interest to stay committed to the the spiritual community. "It can be difficult to not take this personally," Scott says. "It's a heart-breaker."
The Best Parts of Prison Ministry
The best part of serving as a Kairos volunteer is witnessing how Christ manifests in these men, molding otherwise hardened hearts to hearts that are open to the love of Jesus Christ. For some, it’s quick, for others, it takes months or even years. Scott finds comfort knowing that the “seeds” are planted, and with time and faithful presence, the fruit will grow.
O God, you forgive when we deserve punishment, and in your wrath you remember mercy: We humbly ask you, of your goodness, to comfort all prisoners [and especially those who are condemned to die]. Give them a right understanding of themselves, and of your promises, that trusting wholly in your mercy, they may not place their confidence anywhere but in you. Relieve the distressed; deliver the innocent; bring the guilty to repentance; and as you alone bring light out of darkness, and good out of evil, grant that by the power of your Holy Spirit they may be set free from the chains of sin, and brought to newness of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer - For Prisoners
Would you dedicate your Lenten Almsgiving to the Matthew 25 Initiative which enables ACNA parishes to tangibly serve their neighbors in the love of God?