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2025 Lenten Reflections
"Guard my life and rescue me; do not let me be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.
May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, LORD, is in you."
Psalm 25:20-21
Illustration by Eunice Sunmie Derksen
As members of God's family, we are called to protect and support vulnerable children and youth, ensuring they do not fall through the cracks. Yesterday we grounded ourselves in biblical theology and history. Today we consider the statistics and facts – knowing that each number represents a real child or teen, with a real name and story. And each of these children are deeply loved by God.
Let's Start with Definitions
The term “at-risk youth" typically refers to young individuals who face a higher probability of experiencing negative outcomes in various aspects of their lives. These negative outcomes are due in large part to factors like poverty, family instability, involvement in the juvenile justice system, substance abuse, mental health issues, or lack of access to education and supportive resources.
What are these children and youth at-risk OF?
Dropping out of school
Engaging in delinquent behavior
Experiencing homelessness
Encountering other challenges that may hinder their overall wellbeing and collective future
A Look at the Numbers
As of 2022, there were 353,854 children in foster care in the U.S.
For context, 353,854 is more than the entire population of Orlando, Florida, or Honolulu, Hawaii.
That’s 353,854 children living away from their families, due to instability of some kind: poverty, substance abuse, mental health struggles, and the like.
Nationally, 84% of children enter foster care because of neglect.
We often assume that most children in foster care are there because of abuse, but in reality, children experiencing abuse make up 16% of the foster care population.
The vast majority of children in foster care – 84%, or roughly 297,237 kids – are there because of neglect.
Neglect and maltreatment are closely intertwined with poverty.
Neglect rates for children in families of low socio-economic status are five times higher than families of higher socioeconomic status.
This is one of many reasons why it is essential to provide families with support and resources – before foster care involvement becomes necessary.
Historically, children of color have been disproportionately represented in the child welfare system.
According to a 2011 study, 1 in 17 kids enter foster care. But for Black children, the placement rate increases to 1 in 9. Native American children have a rate of 1 in 7.
At-Risk Children who don’t enter the foster system are at an even greater risk.
1 in 4 victims of forced labor trafficking is a child.
1 in 6 endangered runaways reported in the United States are likely to become victims of sex trafficking.
Hope for the Future
What happens to children and youth after they leave the foster care system?
Most – 62% – are reunited with their immediate families or go to live with extended family or guardians. More than a quarter – about 26% – are adopted into new families. A small percentage – roughly 9% – age out, meaning they turn 18 years old and are no longer eligible to stay in the system. Only 3% account for “other” – such as transferring to another agency or running away.
According to John Nehme of Allies Against Slavery, we are currently living in an “age of unprecedented vulnerability," especially for children.
That is why we must lean in and learn. Learning is the first step toward care and action. As Josh Shipp, a former at-risk foster kid turned Harvard graduate, bestselling author, and motivational speaker, writes: “Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story.”
Jesus left the 99 to go after the one sheep who was lost (Matthew 18:12-14). His heart beats and breaks for those on the margins – especially children. We, too, are called to be people who seek the lost, or those in danger of becoming lost. This week we will look at examples of Christians past and present who served as Jesus' hands and feet to at-risk youth. May their stories spark our imaginations toward action in our own churches and communities.
“Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours.”
St. Teresa of Avila
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