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2025 Lenten Reflections

Contemplative Activist

Illustration by Eunice Sunmie Derksen

"Help us to imitate the devotion to you He showed

in courageously serving the sick out of love for you.”

St. Jerome Emiliani

What is a Contemplative Activist?

As followers of Christ, we strive to emulate Jesus' rhythm of contemplative prayer and active service, recognizing that he often withdrew to pray before ministering to others. In the Anglican tradition, this balance is foundational; our prayer life fuels our outreach to the vulnerable. In turn, engaging with those who suffer deepens our sense of Christ’s nearness as the Suffering Servant.

This Lenten season, we will explore the lives of five contemplative activists who exemplify this pattern, demonstrating love for "the least of these" through the Holy Spirit's empowerment. 

Image of St Jerome Emiliani from the Public Domain

St. Jerome Emiliani

Our Contemplative Activist for this week is St. Jerome Emiliani, patron saint of orphans and abandoned children.

Jerome was born into an upper-class ruling family in Venice. As a youth, he cared little for religion, paying more attention to success in the world’s eyes. He fought as a soldier for the Italian military, desiring to gain honor for himself. He quickly moved up the ranks and was given a high position of command at a young age. But at the age of 25, he was captured and imprisoned.

Jerome’s time in prison gave him time to think about eternal matters and began to dedicate more time to prayer. When he gained his freedom, he dedicated his life to serving others as his way of expressing his devotion to Christ. Jerome returned to Venice, pursued theological studies, and tutored his nephews. In 1518, he was ordained to the priesthood.

Around the time he was ordained, Venice suffered a terrible plague. Jerome increasingly spent his days serving the sick and suffering. His heart was specifically burdened for abandoned children, who had lost their parents or caregivers to the plague and were left to fend for themselves. Jerome opened his own home to care for these children, keep them safe, and teach them about the God who loved them. He would often go out at night to bury those who had died in the streets and offer their children a place to stay. Jerome caught the plague himself but recovered and continued pouring himself out for the afflicted.

Jerome started orphanages in six Italian towns, as well as a hospital in Verona and a home for former prostitutes. He founded the Congregation of Somaschi, a society of clerks devoted to instructing and caring for orphans. This group of clergy and laymen spearheaded a movement of religious and social reform that began to spread throughout Italy. These clerks spent their lives caring for the poor, orphans, and abandoned youth. Jerome also founded a seminary and is said to have been the first to teach children Christian doctrine with a question-and-answer technique.

In 1537, Jerome’s impactful life came to an end when he caught the plague a second time. His death was a great loss to his community and to those he cared for, but the work he established carries on to this day through The Somascan Brothers. These laymen and priests support orphans, at-risk youth, those struggling with addiction, and minority communities through education, pastoral care, and rehabilitation. They serve in group homes, schools, rehabilitation centers, and parishes. They live according to their motto: “I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.” (John 14:18)

May many Anglicans live as St Jerome, in their roles as lay leaders or clergy, finding and loving at-risk children and youth who need God's tangible love and care.

Take a moment to listen to this song, and as you listen, pay attention to the stirrings in your heart. Just as Jerome gave of himself, how can you follow Jesus in service of the broken today?  

“I’ll follow You into the homes of the broken
I’ll follow You into the world
I’ll meet the needs for the poor and the needy, God
I’ll follow You into the world”


Would you dedicate your Lenten Almsgiving to the Matthew 25 Initiative which enables ACNA parishes to tangibly serve their neighbors in the love of God?