Prayer for Light in Darkness
Prayer for Light in the Darkness
Tiona Cage
Beautiful Jesus
Who is steady and constant and firm Solid and living, comforting yet powerful
Lord, let us be overtaken by You, by your Light
That we may be so transformed into the likeness of Your Spirit whose very essence is life
That our sole desire would be to fight For connection
For justice
For the un-silencing of voices
Father, let us be so filled with You, with your Light
That love would wander into every crevice of brokenness That has shattered the hope of the ones forgotten
That the darkness would have no choice
but to surrender into the shadows of shalom
And, that we would know the all-consuming surrender of reverence
Of admiration for the beauty of Your image
in each and every person we meet
So that we, in turn, would reflect back Your Light
This Light of hope And joy
And redemption
This Light of forgiveness
And truth
That we would become reflections of You That we would become lights in the dark